Full Arch Implant

Full arch implant-supported fixed dentures, also known as all-on-four or all-on-six dentures, are a type of dental prosthesis that provides a permanent solution for people who have lost all of their teeth in one or both arches. Unlike traditional dentures, which rely on suction or adhesives to stay in place, full arch implant-supported fixed dentures are anchored to the jawbone using dental implants. This provides a stable and secure fit, allowing people to eat, speak, and smile confidently.

The all-on-four and all-on-six dentures are similar. The main difference is the number of implants needed to secure the prosthesis. The all-on-four dentures only need 4 implants per arch to hold the denture in place, while all-on-six will require 6 implants.

The procedure to place full arch implant-supported fixed dentures typically involves several steps. First, the patient will undergo a thorough dental examination and X-rays to determine the best location for the dental implants. Next, the implants are placed into the jawbone during a surgical procedure. After the implants have been placed, the patient will need to wait several months for the implants to fuse with the jawbone. This process, known as osseointegration, ensures that the dental implants are strong enough to support the weight of the dentures.

Benefits of full arch implant-supported fixed dentures include:

-Improved function: Unlike traditional dentures, which can slip and slide in the mouth, full arch implant-supported fixed dentures are anchored to the jawbone and provide a stable and secure fit. This allows patients to eat, speak, and smile with confidence.

-Increased comfort: Because the dentures are anchored to the jawbone, there is less pressure on the gums and the roof of the mouth. This reduces the risk of sore spots and makes the dentures more comfortable to wear.

-Improved appearance: The dentures look and feel more like natural teeth, which can boost the patient's self-esteem and confidence.

-Long-lasting solution: Dental implants can last many years, and dentures can be replaced if needed.

It's worth noting that the full arch implant-supported fixed dentures are not suitable for everyone, and not every patient will qualify. A consultation with an implant dentist is necessary to determine if you are a suitable candidate.

Overall, full arch implant-supported fixed dentures are an effective and long-lasting solution for people who have lost all of their teeth. They offer improved function, increased comfort, and a more natural-looking appearance than traditional dentures.

Full Arch Implant may good option for you

Full arch implant-supported fixed dentures are an option for people who have lost most or all of their teeth in one or both arches. This can include individuals who have lost teeth due to advanced gum disease, decay, or injury.

Patients with badly broken down or decayed teeth are also good candidates for this treatment, as the full arch implant-supported fixed dentures provide a permanent replacement for the missing teeth. The dentures will be anchored onto the dental implants, which will act as a replacement for the roots of the missing teeth providing the support that the denture needs to stay in place.

It's also important to note that the patient should have enough bone density to support the dental implants or be willing to undergo a bone grafting procedure. This surgical procedure involves adding bone tissue to the jaw to provide a stable foundation for dental implants. This can be done with the own patient's bone, synthetic bone, or donated bone.

It is worth mentioning that full arch implant-supported fixed dentures are not the only solution for patients with missing teeth. Alternative options like traditional dentures, Bridges, or partial dentures might be more suitable for some patients depending on their circumstances. A consultation with a dentist or a dental specialist is necessary to determine the best option for each patient.

Process of full arch Implant

You've provided an overview of the general timeline for dental implant treatment. The process can take several months from start to finish and typically involves several stages, including:

-Initial consultation: During this appointment, your dentist will examine your mouth and determine whether you're a good candidate for dental implants. They'll also take X-rays and other imaging to assess the condition of your jawbone and gums.

-Implant placement: Once it's determined that you're a good candidate for dental implants, the next step is to place the implant(s) in your jawbone. This is typically done under local anesthesia or IV sedation and takes about 2-3 hours.

-Healing: After the implant(s) are placed, your jawbone needs time to heal and fuse to the implant(s). This process is called osseointegration and typically takes 3-6 months.

-Abutment placement: Once the implant(s) have integrated with your jawbone, the next step is to place an abutment(s) on the implant(s). An abutment is a small connector piece that attaches to the implant and sticks out of the gums. This allows the dentist to attach the final restoration (e.g., a crown, bridge, or denture) to the implant(s).

-Final restoration placement: After the abutment(s) are placed, the final restoration (e.g., a crown, bridge, or denture) is attached to the abutment(s). This is the final step in the implant treatment process and typically takes about 3 hours.

As you mentioned, if bone grafting is needed, it will add additional time to the process. Typically, the healing time after implant placement is around 3-6 months; after the final restoration placement, the patient will be able to use the implant as normal teeth. You may also need occasional follow-up appointments with your dentist to ensure the implant(s) are functioning correctly and checking for any signs of complications.

It's worth noting that the above timeline is general, and the exact treatment plan and timeline may vary depending on the individual case and the number of implants placed. Also, The healing process of the gums and surrounding tissue typically only takes a week after the abutment placement, but the osseointegration process can take up to several months.

Many travel abroad to receive dental treatment, including full arch and implant-supported fixed dentures. There are several reasons why someone might choose to undergo treatment abroad. For example, the cost of treatment can be much lower in other countries, particularly where the cost of living is lower. Additionally, some countries have a reputation for high-quality dental care, which can be important for patients looking for the best possible outcome.

Receiving full arch implant-supported fixed dentures abroad typically involves two trips. During the first trip, which usually lasts 2-3 days, the patient will undergo a comprehensive examination, including X-rays and other imaging tests, to determine the best location for the dental implants. The dentist will also take impressions of the patient's teeth to create custom-made dentures.

The second trip, which usually lasts 5-7 days, is when the implants are placed, and the dentures are attached. Maris Dentist Clinic dentists will use local anesthesia to numb the area and make the procedure as comfortable as possible. After the procedure, the patient will need to rest and allow time for healing. Some patients can return home on the same day, while others may need to stay in the country for a few days to recover.

Some clinics may be able to provide the full treatment in one visit, which typically takes around 7-10 days. This is known as the "teeth-in-a-day" or "all-in-one" treatment. This method is not suitable for everyone and depends on the individual case.

It's important for anyone considering treatment abroad to do their research and choose a reputable clinic with experienced and qualified dentists. You should also factor in travel, accommodation, and other expenses. It's also a good idea to look into any necessary visa requirements and ensure that you have adequate travel insurance to cover unexpected expenses.

Maris Dentist Clinic recommended consulting our dentist before the trip to go over all the details, discuss the treatment plan and ask any questions. Additionally, having good communication with our dentist and the Maris Dentist Clinic during the process can help ease any concerns and doubts.

Overview of the Full Arch Implpant

You've provided a good overview of what full arch implant-supported fixed dentures are and some of the main benefits they offer.

-A fixed, stable, and secure solution: Unlike traditional removable dentures, which can shift or move around in the mouth, full arch implant-supported fixed dentures are anchored in place by multiple dental implants. This provides a secure and stable base for the denture, allowing you to eat, speak, and smile confidently.

-The long-lasting solution, often for life: With proper care and maintenance, full arch implant-supported fixed dentures can last for many years, and in some cases, for a lifetime. This is because dental implants are made of biocompatible materials that integrate with the jawbone, and the dentures themselves can be made from durable materials like porcelain or zirconia.

-No more loose dentures: Traditional dentures can become loose over time, especially in the lower jaw, making eating, speaking, and smiling difficult. Full arch implant-supported fixed dentures eliminate this problem because they are anchored in place by multiple dental implants.

Full arch dental implant bridges are the only fixed alternative where no teeth are present for anchoring: When all the teeth in a jaw are missing, full arch implant-supported fixed dentures are the only fixed alternative to dentures.

Closest to natural teeth: A full arch fixed implant bridge is the closest you can get to natural teeth. They will provide comfort and a natural look, like a full set of natural teeth. With the proper care, the implant-supported denture will function, feel, and look like your natural teeth; over time, you may even forget that you have an implant in your mouth.

It's worth noting that these fixed implant bridges require a significant amount of healthy jawbone to support the implant, so before proceeding with treatment, a patient may need to have bone grafting in case of jawbone loss or resorption. Additionally, the placement of full arch implant-supported fixed dentures is a complex procedure that requires the skills and expertise of a highly trained implant dentist, who will evaluate and plan the patient's case.


The process of getting full arch implant-supported fixed dentures involves several steps. Here's a detailed breakdown of how the process typically works:

-Initial consultation and imaging: The first step is to schedule an initial consultation with a dental implant specialist. They will assess the overall condition of your mouth and jaw and take X-rays or CT scans to check the jawbone's density and plan the treatment accordingly. If you and the dentist agree that full arch implant-supported fixed dentures are the best solution for your situation, the dentist will take impressions of your mouth, which will be sent to a lab to create custom-made dentures.

-Anesthesia and extraction (if needed): Once you are ready for the implant placement surgery, the dentist will give you an anesthetic so that the entire procedure is painless. If any teeth need to be extracted, this can typically be done at the same time. The mouth is then thoroughly cleaned to remove bacteria and damaged tissue.

-Implant placement: After the extraction and cleaning process, the dentist will place the dental implants into your jawbone. The number of implants needed will depend on the case; typically, four or six implants will be inserted. The procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia and takes around an hour per arch.

-Affix temporary dentures: After the implant placement, the dentist may fit you with temporary dentures. This reduces bruising and ensures that less pressure is put on the implant while they heal. Maris Dentist Clinic could do this step immediately after the implant placement. Healing time typically takes between 3 to 6 months.

-Affix permanent dentures: Once your mouth is fully healed and the implant has integrated into the jawbone, the permanent dentures can be affixed to the implant. Maris Dentist Clinic will create a custom-made denture according to the impressions taken earlier, and the denture will be secured to the implant using abutments (small connector pieces).

It's worth noting that the healing process, the time frame, and the number of appointments needed may vary from person to person and will depend on the individual case. Maris Dentist Clinic will provide detailed instructions on caring for the implant and dentures during the healing process and how to maintain them after the procedure is completed.

Additionally, the surgical site should be kept clean to promote healing and prevent infection. It will help if you rinse your mouth gently with salt water or an antimicrobial mouthwash, as recommended by your surgeon. Brush your teeth gently, avoiding the surgical area. It would be best to avoid smoking and consuming alcohol during the healing process, as these can impede healing and increase the risk of infection.

You should also follow your surgeon's instructions regarding diet, as some foods and drinks can be harder to tolerate immediately following surgery. Soft foods and cold liquids are usually recommended for the first few days after surgery.

You will need to follow up with your surgeon for regular checkups and adjustments as the healing process takes place. This can take several months and may require multiple appointments. Keep in touch with your surgeon to report any signs of infection, bleeding, or other complications.

It is important to be gentle with the surgical area and to avoid anything that could cause dislodgement or damage to the implant. You can expect the implant to integrate fully and support your dentures for many years with proper care.

After the full arch implant-supported fixed denture procedure, following a specific diet is important to ensure proper healing and avoid complications. Here are some general guidelines on what to eat and avoid during the recovery period:

-For the first few days after the procedure, it is recommended to stick to liquids and pureed food. This will help reduce swelling and discomfort and make it easier to chew and swallow. YOU can consume soft foods such as broth, soups, smoothies, and yogurt.

-Gradually, you can transition to solid food over the next few weeks, but it's important to chew your food carefully and avoid biting down hard on anything. Soft, nutrient-rich foods such as fish, eggs, and cooked vegetables are recommended. You should also avoid crunchy, chewy, or sticky foods such as nuts, popcorn, and caramel.

-Avoid hot foods, as the sensation in your tongue, may take a few days to return. This can make it difficult to gauge how hot the food is and could cause burns.

-It is also important to maintain good oral hygiene to avoid infection and promote healing. This includes brushing and rinsing at least twice a day. The dentist will give you instructions on how to care for your implant and denture. It is important to follow them.

It's important to note that the diet and the recovery process may vary from person to person, depending on the individual case. The dentist will give you more detailed instructions on what to eat and avoid during recovery, including any medications you should take and other important care instructions. It's essential to follow the instructions strictly to ensure proper healing and get the best possible results.


Other potential risks and side effects associated with full arch implant-supported fixed denture treatment include infection, bleeding, nerve damage, and implant failure. In rare cases, the implant may not fuse properly with the bone, which can lead to implant failure. If you have any concerns or experience complications following the procedure, you should contact your surgeon as soon as possible.

It's important to note that the success rate of dental implant treatment can be influenced by factors such as the patient's overall health, the quality of the bone in the jaw, and the patient's ability to follow post-operative care instructions. The success rate for full arch implant-supported fixed dentures is about 98%, which is quite high, but as with any surgical procedure, there are some risks involved.

It's important to consider that this type of treatment is major surgery, so a thorough evaluation is crucial before the procedure to check that you are an appropriate candidate and to plan the treatment with your surgeon. It's also important to have realistic expectations about the outcome of the treatment and to maintain your oral health habits post-surgery.

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